Leto rojstva: 1947Status:
univ mag. in. dipl. muzikolog, dr. glasbenih znanostiCareer
Musicology: music essayist and critic.Awards and Prizes
Three Gallus Medals of the Association of Slovenian Cultural Organisations and the Association of Slovenian Societies (bronze 1981, silver 1996 and gold 1999); Jurčič Fund Prize (Nova revija, Ljubljana) in 1998 as a member of the editorship of the Third Programme-Programme Ars of Radio Slovenia; Medal of the St Bernard Cistercian Monastery in Stična (1998); Škerjanc Prize of the Ljubljana Music and Ballet High School (1999); Betetto Award of the Slovene Music Artists Association (2000); 3rd (group) international prize as the co-author of radio programme Staranje Glasbenega Motiva (Aging of the Musical Motive) (URTI, Genoa, 2004); 1st (group) international prize as the co-author of the radio programme-music essay Staranje Glasbenega Motiva (Aging of the Musical Motive) (8th International Festival IRIB/“Media for Life” in Mashad, Iran, 2007); Acknowledgment of the Kranj Music School on the occasion of its 100th anniversary (2009).Bibliography
Books: Anton Jobst, 1990; Slovenska glasba v narodnoosvobodilnem boju (Slovene Music in the People’s Liberation War), 1992; Sto slovenskih skladateljev/Sodobni glasbeni ustvarjalci (One Hundred Slovene Composers/Contemporary Musical Artists), 1997; Sto slovenskih glasbenikov (One Hundred Slovene Musicians, 2002; Živeti z music (Living with Music), 2006; Zvonimir Ciglič – biti ustvarjalec (Zvonimir Ciglič – Being Creative), 2006; Portreti gorenjskih glasbenikov (Portraits of Musicians from Gorenjska), 2006; Genealogija glasbene dramaturgije Škofjeloškega pasijona (The Genealogy of the Dramaturgy of the Škofja Loka Passion), 2010; Biti sam (Being Alone), 2011.Contacts
Address: Reteče 127, SI-4220 ŠKOFJA LOKATelephone: 04/5139-110, -111; 041/601-408